In this issue
Issue 127 • February 2023

If things go as per plan, in a few months, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will deliberate on the first-of-its-kind CRISPR-based gene therapy for sickle cell disease (SCD) and transfusion-dependent beta thalassemia.
Having made significant advances in a relatively short period of time, CRISPR research is now edging closer to reaching the clinic, and this month’s cover story takes a look at the major players in this field and the big events that could break through this year.
Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to be in the news, and as pharma companies invest more to make sure they’re ahead of the game, international agencies have also started to catch up with regulations for AI-led healthcare research. Another feature expands on recent major events that stand to impact the use of AI in pharma. We also explore how AI is being used to design digital twins for clinical trials.
Also in this issue, we stay on the diversity beat and explore how trials can be more inclusive when it comes to participants with cognitive impairments.
All this, and the latest pharma industry news, comment, data, and analysis from GlobalData.
Manasi Vaidya, editor