CBDepot s.r.o
Masarykova třída 1595/54, CZ-41501 Teplice,
Czech republic / Tel. +421 905 853 870 / info@cbdepot.eu/www.cbdepot.eu/
CBDepotis one of Europe’s leading licensed suppliers of isolated and synthesized cannabinoids and cannabidiol-enriched products for the industrial and B2B markets.
We develop and produce high quality cannabinoids used in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. Our products also are used in clinical trials.
All CBDepot products go through a rigorous process that renders them “tracked, tested and trusted,” based on highly disciplined internal controls which meet Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certification requirements. Our quality standards are underscored by our affiliation with scientists and researchers at the Prague Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals (ICPF), a part of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Our products contain undetectable levels of THC.
The products in our portfolio include:
(-)-trans-Cannabidiol, isolated (CBD >98%), derivative of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) for professional use in e-liquids, and skin-care products with properties as an antioxidant and antiseborrhoeic, and for skin conditioning and protection.
Cannabigerol, isolated (CBG >95%), industrial raw material for professional use only. A derivative of industrial hemp (cannabis sativa L)
Hemp Flavouring Preparation (THC-free). Made from edible parts of hemp plant (Cannabis sativa L.) Contains naturally present phytocannabinoids (50g Cannabidiol or 50g Cannabigerol /100g of product), terpens and waxes. Flavoring preparation as per EC/ 1334/2008, Art. 3.2(d)(i)
(-)-trans-Cannabidiol, GMP (Cannabidiolum) this product is manufactured, handled and stored in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and as outlined un the International Conference on Harmonization “ICH Q7 guideline on Good Manufacturing Practice for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients”.
synthesized and (-)- trans-Cannabidiol, synthesized
Bulk and white label, for customers who want to package their own end-user products, we offer custom-made bulk and white label formulationsthrough our joint venture with Cannabis Pharma s.r.o, which has been processing hemp for use in medicinal hemp cosmetics since 2002.
(-)-trans-Cannabidiol, GMP (Cannabidiolum), substance of choice, public tender winner in 2017 and 2019 for paediatric hospital and Institute of Oncology in Ljubljana.